field of sunflowers with mountain range in background

Crafty McCraft Face Creativity

welcome to

where to begin


Join other crafty creatives where they share their own graphics, recipes, and hand-crafted goodies!


A little out of the box thinking to help you focus on what’s truly important and recenter your life!

cooking videos

Mama Lea is focusing on simple, easy to prepare recipes that don’t break the budget for her college age son!

Meet the Crafty Creative

heather lea

I’ve been working online since 1999 through various professional and hobby channels.

I’ve built followings of 10,000+ people. And I’ve reached 100,000 new people daily at one point with hobby websites! I’ve even frequented the top 10 of company sales when I previously sold products not my own. (Not sure whether I should be proud of that or not. But, hey. It’s something I did.)

And you know how I did those things? I harnessed my interests and skills into websites and content that I loved creating and building with the goal to help people!